Mini Event App Usage Help
Forgetting about an appointment or someone's birthday ?
Forgetting who has accepted, declined or attended your event ?
Mini Event is a tracking tool which helps you to
create events with many guests,
generate next occurrence of event based on current time,
send notifications to the guests,
mark responses from guests to your events, and
maintain a full history of guests' replies and attendances of any event.
It will also remind you when an event is upcoming, in the form of silent notifications of the next occurrence.
The reminders will come at one hour, one day, one week and one month ahead of the next occurrence, according to the event's next occurrence timing. It is a built-in feature and available automatically.
An optional alarm can also be set for an upcoming occurrence at its exact start time. Since the need for an alarm in an event is not very high, you will have to turn it on manually. It will play the default ringtone for one cycle and then stop.
You can hide occurrences from display so the upcoming occurrence screen will only show the current significant items. Hidden occurrences can be unhid later on. Reminder notifications and alarm will still be alerting you during the time when an occurrence is hidden.
You can deactivate a completed or unwanted event, and reactivate it later on if required. Deactivated event will not generate new 'next occurrence' going forward.
The same deactivate/reactivate action can be taken on the next occurrence of an event as well, but it will not touch the state of the event.
The App is designed with self-explanatory functions in mind. Many selections and usages are simple and intuitive.
One important note about the App is that all the dates will use the international date format which is yyyy-mm-dd for display and yyyymmdd during input.
When you input a date, use all digits with leading zero, and the App will add the '-' automatically to format it. For example, January 1 of year 2021 should be entered as '20210101' and the App will format it to '2021-01-01'.
Regarding the time input, 4 digits are required from you. The App will format it to hh:mm in the 24 hour time convention. For example, 9:07am should be entered as 0907 and 3:45pm should be entered as 1545.
This is a main usage help page to guide you through the App at a high level.
Each screen accessible from the first/home screen will be briefly described in the natural usage order.
Upcoming Next Occurrence Of Events List Screen
This is the first screen shown when you bring up the App. You can view it as the 'Home' screen of the App. All the upcoming active and unhidden next occurrence of the events will be listed here.
Each four-line group is showing only the immediate next occurrence of one event, even if the event is recurring and can have multiple future occurrences, to make it meaningful at current time. You can press the top button bar to refresh a new list. The last two lines of the four-line group show the guest response statistics and the remaining time to start the event in a glance, which are the two major functions of the App.
For any displayed next occurrence line, you can press it to see its detail information in another Screen.
All of the follow up work of an occurrence of an event can be achieved with the above screen.
Due to its important function , this screen will be described separately in detail later.
You can press the 'More Options ...' button bar at the bottom of the screen to see more available options, each of them will bring up a screen for you to create and track events.
An example event, together with two example guests, has been created with the installation to help you understand how to use the App.
Its next occurrence will be displayed on this screen for you to review its content.
This example event can be deactivated or hidden from this screen later on.
Use the <- ( go back ) function at bottom of screen to exit, when done.
back to main usage help
Create New Event Screen
This screen has a set of four Tabs for creating and modifying an event. The first Tab is the minimum required to create a new event and the 'Confirm Event' button bar must be pressed to confirm the information entered , before moving on to other Tabs. You can slide back and forth through the Tabs.
The four Tabs are :
- Event ( main tab, required )
- Guest
- Notify
- SpecDate
Once completed with the Tabs, a new event with some guests ( optional ) would have been created and its notifications ( optional ) would have been sent out to the guests. The last Tab is only used for one special recurring type 'SpecificDates'.
The detail description of the Tabs can be found in Create New Event Tabs . We will skip the detail here.
Use the <- ( go back ) function at bottom of screen to exit, when done.
back to main usage help
Mark Guest Reply and Attendance Screen
This screen is used to mark the replies and attendances from guests notified by you earlier.
The occurrences of multiple events matching the criteria will be displayed on the same screen so that you can mark them all in one Go.
Searching by Tracking# will retrieve the exact single notification with this Tracking# for you to mark its status quickly.
This Tracking# was generated with the message when you sent out ( or chose to skip sending ) the message notification earlier.
If your guest reply your text message with this Tracking# then his acceptance will be marked automatically in your event, provided you have authorized Mini Event App to do so.
You can press the Search Icon to start the search.
Any mark(s) you make now will overwrite the previous choices you made in the past.
Press the 'Update Marked Replies and Attendances' button bar to confirm the marks you made, otherwise they will be ignored.
Use the <- ( go back ) function at bottom of screen to exit, when done.
back to main usage help
Update Phone, Email Info Screen
If you decide not to let the App use the information stored in your phone Contacts when adding guests, you will have to use this screen to add the guests before you can assign them to an event.
The top half of the screen will display a list of existing guests in the App for you to 'Edit' its information or 'Remove' the guest.
You have the choice of confirming or cancel your action.
On the bottom of the screen, an entry window is available to enter a new guest with his mobile number and email address.
There is a Phone Icon in this entry window for you to call up your guest, if you need to verify his phone number or email address. Use only digits to enter mobile number.
Press the 'Add to List' to confirm the addition of the guest and to display it in the top half of the screen.
Use the <- ( go back ) function at bottom of screen to exit, when done.
back to main usage help
View Event History ( deactivate ... ) Screen
This screen will let you find ( use the Search Icon ) all events including the deactivated and hidden ones.
There are some selection criteria which can be used in any combination to locate the history events.
The 'Start After' date field is used to skip old events and show only recent events starting on or after this date.
The 'Parent Event set by you' name field allows you to display all child events belonging to a Parent Event you intentionally attached to the children by hand. Now you can easily go through them one by one, children and parent, for detail.
On each three-line group of the events returned from the search, the top two text lines are information of the located event, and the third line if displayed is reserved for its parent event information.
If you press on the located event ( the top two lines ), another 'Event Detail' Screen will be displayed with the located event detail.
If you press on the parent event ( if displayed, the third blue line ), the 'Event Detail' Screen will also be shown but the content will be from the parent event.
Event Detail Screen
This screen will show the most current tracking information of the located event.
It will display full history of when notifications were sent and the replies from guests, and if the guests have attended.
You can press on the Search Icon of an individual notification to perform further action with it, in the Notification Update Screen .
It will also display all previous and upcoming occurrences of the event. An recurring event will have multiple occurrences.
You can hide or deactivate individual occurrence, or select ( Search Icon ) the occurrence to see the Occurrence Detail Screen.
The Occurrence Detail Screen is similar to this Event Detail Screen, only at a different level.
Occurrence Detail Screen
This screen will show the most current tracking information of one occurrence of an event.
It will display full history of when notifications were sent and the replies from guests, and if the guests have attended.
You can press on the Search Icon of an individual notification to perform further action with it, in the Notification Update Screen.
The 'Hide/Unhide from Upcoming Events Screen' button bar will let you set the hide/unhide this occurrence flag from the first 'Upcoming Events' Screen.
The 'Deactivate/Reactivate Occurrence' button bar will let you toggle the 'active' status of an event, like an On/Off switch.
Use the <- ( go back ) function at bottom of screen to exit, when done.
The 'Deactivate/Reactivate Event' button bar will let you toggle the 'active' status of an event, like an On/Off switch.
Use the <- ( go back ) function at bottom of screen to exit, when done.
Use the <- ( go back ) function at bottom of screen to exit, when done.
back to main usage help
Screens that are accessed from higher level screens will be described in the following pages
Notification Update Screen
You will see this screen only if you have sent out or created an notification to a guest earlier, and then select the notification from the associated occurrence.
This screen will let you update your guest's response, or send new notification to your guest if there's any new information about the event.
You can check the boxes to reflect the most up-to-date response ( eg. Accepted and Attended ) from your guest.
There is a Phone Icon on this screen for you to call up your guest, if you need to ask for his/her latest response before confirming.
After the boxes have been checked, you can press the 'Confirm the above guest response' button bar to update the Notification status.
If there is a need to send new information of the event to the guest, the bottom half of the screen will allow you to do that.
You can choose to enter new Text or Email message in the corresponding free text area using the short button bars 'Edit Text Message' or 'Edit Email Message'.
Then you need to check the box for sending Text, or the box for sending Email.
Please note that the Email option is not preferred if the Text option is available. Using only one option for notifications will ensure the history look simple and clear during follow up.
Once the message and the way to send it have been confirmed, you can use either one of the two button bars at bottom of screen to action it.
'Send Notifications with above message, now' button bar will send out the message and create Tracking# for the notification in the database.
'Generate tracking number only, do not send' button bar will not send the message, but will go on to create Tracking# for the notification with type 'G' as default.
Use the <- ( go back ) function at bottom of screen to exit, when done.
back to View Event History Screen
Upcoming Occurrence of an Event Screen
This screen will be displayed when you select an occurrence from the first/home 'Upcoming Next Occurrence of Events List' screen.
The usage of this screen is for you to review and/or change the information of an existing occurrence , or its parent event, with two separate button bars
Both button bars will bring up the same set of four Tabs used in the 'Create New Event' process, with occurrence detail, or parent event detail, filled in corresponding to the button bar selected. The event name, start date and time will be locked up against entry in this review/change mode of action. All other information can be changed in the four Tabs.
This Upcoming Occurrence Screen has some more important functions besides allowing you to modify the occurrence and parent event detail. The other functions will be described in the following.
The statistics of replies from guests of the occurrence can be shown by pressing the 'from this occurrence' button bar, and you can select any displayed guest reply line to enter the Notification Update Screen to update the most current response or send new notification to the guest.
The statistics of replies from guests of the parent event can be shown by pressing the 'from parent event' button bar. The parent event statistics and replies are only for display purpose since the generated next occurrence from the event is the actual key of future tracking activities.
The button bar at the bottom of the screen is for you to hide ( or unhide ) the occurrence from the first/home 'Upcoming Next Occurrence of Events List' screen when you have too many events on that screen and you want to see a shorter list. The occurrence will still be active and the normal reminders and alarm will stay on.
Use the <- ( go back ) function at bottom of screen to exit, when done.
back to Upcoming Occurrence List
Create New Event Tabs
Usage Help
The screens of this function are also used for
Review/Change Parent Event , and
Review/Change Occurrence
This is a set of four Tabs
- Event
- Guest
- Notify
- SpecDate
This help text will describe the 'Create New Event' usage in detail. Each entry item in the four Tabs will be explained.
After that, the variation of the Tabs to service the 'Review/Change Event' and 'Review/Change Occurrence' situations will be covered in another section.
back to top level help text
Event Tab
This is the main entry screen of an event. The 'Confirm Event' button bar at the bottom of screen must be pressed to commit the information into the App at the end of data entry. Otherwise the entered data will be ignored. Also, other Tabs depend on the key information from this screen to get started.
Due to the small size of the smartphone, some limits on the length of data items are imposed for clear display purpose.
Below is a walkthrough of the data entry items.
Name :
A short name to your event. Maximum of 30 characters. This short name with the Start Date and the Start Time described below make up the three Key columns of Event and Occurrence uniqueness. There is no long name available in the App.
Example : Alex's Birthday
Start Date :
The date when the event will start in the future. It is fine to enter a start date in the past since it will not affect the next occurrence generation.
Only 8 digits should be entered, in the form yyyymmdd and the App will format it to yyyy-mm-dd automatically. Leading zeros in the month and day segments are required. For example, 2021-03-06 should be entered as 20210306, meaning March 6, 2021.
Start Time :
The exact time in hour and minute, on the Start Date when the event will start. It is fine to enter a start time in the past since it will not affect the next occurrence generation.
Only 4 digits should be entered, in the form hhmm and the App will format it to hh:mm automatically. Hour will range from 00 to 23, where 00 would be midnight, and 12 would be noon. As an example, 2359 would be formatted to 23:59 and would mean 11:59 pm. Leading zeros in the hour and minute segments are required. For example, 00:01 should be entered as 0001, meaning one second past midnight.
Type :
Select a type from the dropdown list of event types. If no appropriate type has been listed, select 'General'. Currently this type field is for information purpose only, no special usage. There is a potential for future enhancement of the App to make use of this event type field. 'Birthday' is a popular event type, so is a doctor's 'Appointment'. Some of these types imply recurring occurrences of the event, eg 'Anniversary'.
Description :
A long description of the event. Maximum of 100 characters and can be left blank. This will be pasted in the body of the text/email notification so you can edit it before sending the notification out to your guests. You can choose not to send any notification if you like.
Location :
The location where the event will take place in. Maximum of 40 characters and can be left blank.
Duration :
The duration of the event in hour and minute format, hhmm. It can be left blank. As in the 'Start Time' described above, only 4 digits should be entered and will be interpreted and processed in the same way.
Recurring :
O Yes
If selected, an entry box will be displayed underneath this check box for you to further specify how the repeating event will be scheduled using recurring type, end date and end time. You can check this box for events like birthday, weekly meeting, monthly task ( eg. pay bills ), etc.
A dropdown list of Recurring Types for you to choose one from. The App will generate the next occurrence date and time according to what you pick from this list. For example, if you pick 'Thursday' then the next occurrence date will be the first Thursday after the current date ( or after the start date if it is in the future ). The meaning of each recurring type can be found here.
End Date
Optional. This is the last date when the event will end, beyond which no next occurrence generation is needed anymore. Same entry requirements as in the Start Date, digits only.
End Time
Optional. This is the exact time on the End Date when the event will end, beyond which no next occurrence generation is needed anymore. Same entry requirements as in the Start Time, digits only.
O No
If selected ( prechecked during Create New Event ), the event will be treated as an 'One Time' Event which will have only one ocurrence starting at the Start Date and Start Time. No additional entry box will be shown.
Alarm ( clock icon ) On/Off :
Note : There are four built-in notifications ( one month, one week, one day and one hour ahead of event start date and time ) besides the Alarm function, which should be enough to remind you of an upcoming event. The need for an alarm is actually quite rare for an event.
This is a On/Off Switch which you can press to set On or set Off an alarm. If the alarm is set on, it will ring when the start date and time of the event ( or occurrence ) has been reached.
The alarm sound will stop after one cycle of the ringtone has been played. It is not meant to keep ringing to avoid disturbing the event which should have just started.
Mini Event App is not intended as an alarm clock app so only very basic alarm function is provided.
On :
Alarm will ring and play for one cycle of a ringtone when the start date and time has come.
Off :
No alarm will be played.
Parent Name :
If your event is a child event, you can choose to declare its parent event here so that you can easily track them in one place going forward, using the View Event History screen. Leave it blank if there is no parent event or there is no need to link this child to the parent. In case you want to find the Parent event in the App's database, you can enter partial text of the Parent event name and use the 'search' icon next to the 'Parent Name' label to find it. A list of name matching events will be displayed underneath the entry field for you to select from.
If you prefer to enter the full name of the parent, you can do so, but the App will reject it if it does not match exactly with what's been recorded in the database. The Parent Name, plus the Start Date and Start Time fields ( described below, associated with the parent event ) must exist in the database at this time.
Start Date :
This is the Start Date of the Parent Event. Entry requirements will be same as other Date field. You may want to use the 'search' function described in the Parent Name entry above to retrieve the Parent event with the exact Start Date and Time in one shot.
Start Time :
This is the Start Time of the Parent Event. Entry requirements will be same as other Time field. You may want to use the 'search' function described in the Parent Name entry above to retrieve the Parent event with the exact Start Date and Time in one shot.
Confirm Event button bar :
The data entry completed above will have to be confirmed in order to update them into the database. Otherwise, the data entry will be ignored !!!
When you press this button bar, your input data will be checked for integrity and if everything is fine, the information will be stored in the App. If there is issue with your input data, please correct them and then hit this button bar again to confirm.
This is the end of the usage help for the 'Event Tab'
You can swipe the screen ( or select another Tab directly ) to move on to the next Tab.
back to the four Tabs
List of Recurring Types and their meaning
Daily |
Everyday |
Weekday |
Monday to Friday |
Weekend |
Saturday and Sunday |
MonthStart |
Month start day only |
MonthEnd |
Month end day only |
Monthly |
Every month same day |
SpecificDates |
Specific dates |
Monday |
Monday only |
Tuesday |
Tuesday only |
Wednesday |
Wednesday only |
Thursday |
Thursday only |
Friday |
Friday only |
Saturday |
Saturday only |
Sunday |
Sunday only |
Yearly |
Every year same day |
back to the Type description
Guest Tab
This Tab is used for adding the guests to your event. It has three main sections, top, middle and bottom.
When you create a new event, you will see only the middle section when there is no guest added to the event.
The first time you use this screen, there will be an authorization request for you to approve. This will be explained in the usage help of the middle section below.
The steps to add a guest are :
- Use middle section to select a guest from your phone's contact list or the guest list stored in the App. Selected guest's contact information will be displayed in the bottom section.
- Use bottom section to select the smartphone number and update the email address, if required. Then 'add' the guest to the top section.
- Top section will show all the guests added to the event. You can remove a guest from the list by pressing its red cross button.
Top Section :
This will show a list of guests who have been added to your event so far. If you want to remove a guest, use the red cross button at the end of the line.
You can scroll the list to see guests beyond the window of the top section, in case there are many guests.
The smartphone number and the email address of a guest will be used in the 'Notify' Tab to send notification of the event to him.
Middle Section :
There are two short button bars for you to retrieve the contacts from your phone or from the list of guests captured in Mini Event App so far from other events of yours.
Contacts from phone :
When you press on this button bar for the very first time, it will put out an request screen asking you to authorize the App to access your phone's contact list. The App needs the guest's smartphone number ( preferred ) to send invitation text message or the guest's email address ( optional, and secondary ) to send invitation email message to him.
If you decline the access, and still want the App to send text/email message to the guest, you need to use another screen 'Update phone, email info' to add the guest's contact info directly into the App first, before you come back to this screen and use the other button bar 'Guests from other events' to retrieve it, for each guest.
It is safe to allow access since we collect only your email address from our end, and nothing else. All other information will stay in your phone, as is.
If access is authorized, then the contacts will be displayed from your phone's contact list. You can select any one guest from the displayed list and it will be copied to the bottom section for you to make change and add him to the event.
Guests from other events :
When a guest from your phone contacts has been added to any event, he will be added to the App's internal contact list also, with any update you may have made.
This internal contact list will be displayed when you press on this button bar.
You can select any one guest from the displayed list and it will be copied to the bottom section for you to make change and add him to the event.
One important point to make here is that this internal contact list can also be built using another button bar 'Update Phone, Email Info' from the first entry screen, if some guests are not found in your phone's contact list.
Bottom Section :
This section will be shown when a guest has been selected from the list retrieved with either one of the two button bars described in the middle section above.
You can use this section to select a smartphone number from the dropdown list , and press the phone handset icon to call the guest immediately to confirm the number, if needed. A smartphone number is required by the App to send invitation text message.
Once confirmed, you can press the 'Add to current event' button bar to add the guest to the event and this guest will be displayed in one line in the top section at once.
This is the end of the usage help for the 'Guest Tab'
You can swipe the screen ( or select another Tab directly ) to move on to the next Tab.
back to the four Tabs
Notify Tab
This Tab is used to send text or email message of this event to your guests.
Text message is the preferred method with smartphone and each guest will be given a generated tracking number which allows some convenience to quickly track his reply using this tracking number. If the guest accepts your invitation, he can simply reply with this number and his acceptance will be received ( if you have approved the App to use text messaging from your phone ) and updated in the App. Manually, you can also use another first screen option 'Mark Guest Reply and Attendance' to mark his reply quickly with the tracking number.
Email message is a secondary method for those guests who do not have a smartphone ( or you don't have their phone numbers ) to receive your text message. All guests whom you choose to send email message will be grouped together in one email only. There will be no tracking number generated for email message sent, so you will have to use first screen option 'Mark Guest Reply and Attendance' with guest name and event name to mark his reply manually.
On the top of the screen, there are two short button bars for you to switch between 'Edit Text Message' and 'Edit Email Message'. Try to use text message only, if possible.
Edit Text Message button bar :
The content of message displayed has been filled with some information from the event. You can modify the message to suit your need. For text message, the tracking number will be generated later and attached to the message when you actually send the notification out.
Edit Email Message button bar :
The content of message displayed has been filled with some information from the event. You can modify the message to suit your need.
Further down the screen, a list of all the guests you have added to the event is displayed with the Text or Email check box.
Select text or email for each guest you want to notify with the same message above. It is fine not to select any method for a guest if you don't want to send notification to him at the moment.
After you have prepared the message, selected the guests with their appropriate notification method, you can press one of the two button bars at the bottom of screen to process them. The first one will actually send out the notification while the second will only generate tracking information in the App.
Send Notifications with above message, now button bar :
The first time you press this button bar, a request window will pop up asking you to approve the use of SMS ( Messaging ) service provided by your phone. If you don't approve, then the text message will not be sent. Please approve it.
As for the email message, your preferred email App will be brought up with the content filled in, waiting for you to take action to send it. Please send it.
Upon sending out text message to individual guest, a tracking number will be generated and appended to the end of the text message. If your guest replies to your text message with this tracking number ( only the number needed ), then Mini Event App will receive the reply and mark the guest as accepted your event invitation.
Note : Some Messaging service provided by the phone carrier do not share the incoming message to other App, in this case Mini Event App could not receive the reply and mark acceptance.
Text message will have a message type 'T' while Email message will have a message type 'E' assigned by the App, for classification.
Generate tracking number only, do not send button bar :
No Text message and no Email message will be sent with this button bar.
Each guest will be assigned a generated tracking number with message type 'G', for classification.
If you do not send any notification during 'Create New Event' now, it is fine. You can come back to this screen later using the 'Review/Change Event' or 'Review/Change Occurrence' function and do it then.
This is the end of the usage help for the 'Notify Tab'
You can swipe the screen ( or select another Tab directly ) to move on to the next Tab.
back to the four Tabs
SpecDate Tab
This screen is only used for one recurring type 'SpecificDates'.
This special recurring type serves the situation when an event has several parts which should be completed before the main event starts. Each of the several parts will become an occurrence of the main event, but with a different start date and time of its own. Each part will have its own description to tell what it is specifically intended for.
After the next occurrence of the child events has been generated, you can select it from the 'Upcoming next occurence' ( the first screen ) screen to modify its content ( eg. Location ) further.
This screen has three sections, top, middle and bottom.
When you create a new event, you will see only the middle and the bottom section when there is no child event existing.
The middle section is for you to enter the child event directly and add it to the main event. The bottom section with the calendar is designed to assist you to choose the start date of the child event only.
The steps to add child event are :
In the middle section, enter the start date, start time and child event description. Date and time must be entered in all digits only.
Press the 'Add to above event' button bar to confirm the child. The child event will be added to the event and shown in the top section as a line item.
If you want to remove any child event, press the red cross button on its line in the top section.
If you need help in choosing the start date for the child event, you can use the calendar displayed in the bottom section to locate the date. The calendar allows you to move back and forth by month, and allows you to press on any one date to select it. Selected date from the calendar will be shown on the start date field in the middle section, and the start time will be set to "00:00". You can overwrite the start date and time filled in.
This is the end of the usage help for the 'SpecDate Tab'
You can swipe the screen ( or select another Tab directly ) to move on to the next Tab.
back to the four Tabs
Review/Change above event occurrence
After an event next occurrence has been generated, there may be situation when it has to be changed.
To access this function, do the following :
select the next occurrence from the first 'Upcoming next occurrence of events list' screen
select the 'Review/Change above event occurrence' button bar
Then the same set of four Tabs used in the 'Create New Event' function will be shown with information from this next occurrence.
The name, start date and start time will be locked up against entry in this review/change mode of action. Other information can be changed.
The usage of the four Tabs will be exactly same as during the 'Create New Event' time.
You are free to :
Change non-key information in Event tab, remember to 'Confirm Event'
Add or remove guest in Guest tab
Edit text or email message, and send notification or generate tracking only in Notify tab
For 'SpecificDates' recurring type, add or remove child event in SpecDate tab
The information you have changed in this next occurrence will only apply to this next occurrence, and have no effect on the future occurrence in the same recurring event. If you want the change to be applied to other future occurrences, you need to use the 'Review/Change Parent Event' button bar to change the Parent Event.
back to Upcoming Occurrence Of Event Screen
Review/Change Parent Event
After an event has been created, there may be situation when it has to be changed.
To access this function you need to find the event from its next occurrence, do the following :
select the next occurrence from the first 'Upcoming next occurrence of events list' screen
select the 'Review/Change Parent Event' button bar
Then the same set of four Tabs used in the 'Create New Event' function will be shown with information from the main event.
The name, start date and start time will be locked up against entry in this review/change mode of action. Other information can be changed.
The usage of the four Tabs will be exactly same as during the 'Create New Event' time.
You are free to :
Change non-key information in Event tab, remember to 'Confirm Event'
Add or remove guest in Guest tab
Edit text or email message, and send notification or generate tracking only in Notify tab
For 'SpecificDates' recurring type, add or remove child event in SpecDate tab
Once the main event is changed, future occurrence ( but not the current next occurrence which has been generated before this ) will take the new information from the main event. You will have to Review/Change the current next occurrence manaully.
back to Upcoming Occurrence Of Event Screen
Knowing Events and Occurrences
Logic behind next occurrence generation from event
An occurrence is always generated , and carries all the information, from its original event. Mini Event App will be checking the current time periodically to trigger the next occurrence ( start date and time beyond current time ) generation of each and every active event.
For an one time event, it will have only one next occurrence by nature.
One 'One Time Event' ---> One Occurrence ( changeable )
For recurring event with regular pattern, such as daily or on every Tuesday, it will have many repeating occurrences for the same event. The next upcoming occurrence will be generated automatically based on the current time.
One 'Recurring Event' ---> Many Occurrences with same detail ( changeable )
For recurring event with specific dates for special activities, you can enter the specific dates activity directly in a 'SpecDate' Tab and each date will generate its next upcoming occurrence. This is the structure of one main parent event containing distinctive multiple occurrences with different descriptions.
One 'Specific Dates Event' ---> Many Occurrences with different detail ( changeable )
For all the three cases, once a next occurrence has been generated, you can change its information to meet your needs.
back to Upcoming Next Occurrence List Screen
Logic behind child and parent events
This relationship is not the same as in the occurrence and its original event where an occurrence is only one instance of the event. This is between events.
An example of a Parent event could be 'Annual Company Dinner' celebration, and its Child Events could be 'Decide date and venue' meeting , 'Confirm venue booking' task and 'Get party gifts' task where each of the child events will have its own start date and time. Each child event can serve a different cause.
The way to set up the parent and its child events is quite straight forward with the use of the 'Create New Event' Tabs.
Create the parent event
Create a child event, putting the parent event name, start date and time in the last line of the 'Event' Tab
Create other child events, when needed
In short, a child event has to 'declare' its parent event.
Once set up, you can see the parent and all of its child events in a list using the 'Review Event History ( deactivate/... )' screen.
To break the relation with the parent event, you only have to clear out ( refresh button available ) the parent event information from the last line of the 'Event' Tab when 'Review/Change' the child event, and 'Confirm Event'.